Dr. Beverly Kaye’s name is recognized internationally as a professional dedicated to helping individuals, managers and organizations understand the practical “how to” principles of employee development, engagement and retention. Her books and learning materials have stood the test of time.
ATD (The Association for Talent Development) honored her with their 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award, recognizing her advanced knowledge and extensive practice across the talent development field and thought leadership and contributions to the profession have had a significant impact on individuals and organizations over many years.
ISA (The Association of Learning Professionals) also honored her with their 2018 Thought Leadership Award for her body of work in support of work-related learning and performance that significantly influenced people and organizations. Through Beverly’s advocacy of ideas and commitment to actions, she has not only positively influenced clients and industry colleagues but has facilitated respect for the learning and performance industry overall.
Beverly’s contributions to the field of career development have been utilized by talent professionals since the publication of her first book, Up Is Not the Only Way: A Guide to Developing Workforce Talent in 1982. That book foresaw the effects of leaner and flatter organizations on individual careers and described a systems approach to building a development culture. With this publication, Bev became a game changer in an area of practice that heretofore had only been partially explored.
Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go, (2012) co‐authored with Julie Winkle Giulioni was praised as a modern way to simplify the career conversation process and help overwhelmed managers find opportunities to blend career discussions into their everyday routine.
The recent Up Is Not the Only Way (2017) with Lindy Williams and Lynn Cowart looked at career mobility and hearkened back to just one key chapter in her original work by that name. This time, instead of being directed at the HR practitioner, it delivered an action‐packed guidebook that could be read easily by employees or managers. It highlighted the choices that were available other than the traditional ladder.
Bev’s work in engagement and retention continued her commitment to offering practical strategies for today’s workforce. When engagement surveys reported that “individuals don’t leave organizations, they do leave managers”, she and her co‐author Sharon Jordan‐Evans offered a suite of books to provide the “how‐to’s for busy leaders. Love ‘Em or Lose ‘Em, now in its fifth edition (2014), a Wall Street Journal best‐seller, was printed in 25 languages and reached 700,000. Learning solutions built on this premise have been delivered to companies worldwide. The companion book, Love It Don’t Leave It suggested that individuals also have a responsibility for their own job satisfaction. And, when readers reacted positively to the idea of asking “what keeps you here?”, the stay interview was recommended to stem the tide of exit interviews. Hello Stay Interviews, Goodbye Talent Loss was published in 2015.
Beverly founded Career Systems International, an organization dedicated to offering managers and employees practical learning solutions and consulting that enables organizations focus on their talent. As part of her own focus on talent, she recently transitioned its ownership and entrusted its legacy to two key members of her leadership team. She supports the re-branded enterprise, Talent Dimensions, who deliver and expertly expand on her thought leadership.